Friday, January 2, 2015

Neon yellow is the new black

So there I was, sitting at my laptop in the kitchen.  Scrolling through blog templates to begin what I know will be a fabulous online journey in housewifey-ness and trying to figure out how to get the pictures on my phone to sync with my stupid Google account.  And it was a decent moment because all my kids were being quiet and I was happy to have a moment to... you know... think about stuff that doesn't involve Yo Gabba Gabba.  Except...

The kids were being quiet.

Which means one of two things and one of them is that they're not breathing, so I rushed into my study to discover two little children covered in neon, yellow paint.  My one year old daughter clapped her little hands together and said "YAY!" as I entered the room and gestured toward a new, rather expensive, vintage style dress my husband bought for me for Christmas. 

This was, of course, also newly decorated in neon yellow (which glows in the dark, just by the way) and my immediate response was to burst into tears.

But you know what?  Screw that.  Because damn it, if I can't rock a paint covered dress, then I may as well start looking for a new job.

I am housewife.  Hear me ROAR.

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